In 1934, in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of President of the Republic of Lithuania Antanas Smetona, a sculpture of the Blessed Virgin Mary-Madonna was set up in Kulautuva. An inscription on its base ran: “To commemorate LX anniversary of the Nation’s Leader Antanas Smetona 1874–1934”. On this occasion, the longest and the most beautiful street in Kulautuva called after President Antanas Smetona was opened.
The author of the sculpture– Stasys Stanišauskas who had a summer cottage in Kulautuva. Surrounded by white wings of balustrades and framed by decorative vases, the statute of Blessed Virgin Mary seemed as if transferred here from a romantic park in some European town.
At the order of the Soviet occupation authorities, the monument was demounted. The statute was moved into the churchyard and restored to its old place at the Lake of Swans in 1990.